The 99th Rebirth of the Empire

The 99th Rebirth of the Empire

Pigeon Empire Analogy, a series of civilizations with minimalist operations, choose one of three random national events every year, face invasions and natural disasters, build wonders and cultivate legions

This is a meat pigeon + simulation management game, borrowing a bit of the concept from the Civilization series, but we replace the complicated process with a minimalist operation of selecting one of three events. The new empire you established begins in the first year of the Christian era. As king, every year you must make one of three decisions for the country among countless random events. National affairs are diverse, including the development of science and technology, the promulgation of policies, the construction of buildings, the spread of religion, foreign relations, the recruitment of sages, natural disasters, the negotiation of riots, the plundering and the siege of cities, resistance to invasions, etc. The aim of the game is to make the country immortal and exist forever, so that the population continues to grow, from small tribes to medium-sized kingdoms, to large empires where the sun never sets.

At the beginning, choose the geographical location of the country (I suggest you choose the Gold Coast with rich production of gold coins), the country's initial technology (the development of astrology is balanced) and the country's belief (the religious card of the Taoism has the strongest effect). In the first year, choose to develop technology [shipbuilding] to improve business attributes. The following year there was a military conflict with the Roman Empire and a great victory. In the third year, the [Armed Soldier System] policy was enacted, which requires certain cooperation and can strengthen infantry attacks. In the eighth year there was a terrible flood and the population was severely lost. In the tenth year, he encountered a massive invasion from the Qin Empire and finally successfully repelled the enemy. The next ten years were another period of development-evolution-tribulation-rebirth. Each time you survive for a period of time, you will discover some completely new events and gameplay, such as success rate in-game negotiation events, exercise events to improve friendship between the two countries, weather-affected siege battles, etc. ., and even construction marvels (Qin Empire Afang Palace or the Pyramid of Khufu in ancient Egypt) and the ultimate experience of conquering a great empire.

In simple operation, the game has a deep strategic aspect, which is mainly reflected in making business strategy decisions, building combat skills, allocating and using resources, etc. The game has now designed 10 great empires as your opponents or allies. They are: The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Chaos - the Qin Empire, the Eternal City - the Roman Empire, the Mysterious and Brilliant - Ancient Egyptian Civilization, the Holy Grail of the Mists - the Arthur Dynasty, and the Supreme Lord of the Sea - Spain. Empire, Martial Warriors - Spartan City-State, Heroes of the Three Kingdoms - Wei Empire, Pearl of America - Mayan Civilization, Glory of Civilization - Ancient Greek Federation, Unlimited Territory - Persian Empire, each empire card pack includes exclusive legion cards of empire, tactical cards, epic characters, war events, diplomatic events and collectible imperial loot. The game has more than 150 types of legions/enemies, 300 types of combat skills, 800 types of event cards (technology, politics, religion, architecture, natural disaster cards, etc.) and 1,400 national events. It far exceeds your imagination.

If you have played our game "I turned the heroes into meat pigeons", you can start playing this game quickly. Although the basic operations of the two are the same, the basic gameplay and strategies are completely different.

Introduction to other game elements:

Population: The most important attribute in the game. When the population reaches 0, your country will be declared destroyed. As the population continues to grow, your country advances in title: Tribe-City-State-Kingdom-Federation-Empire. Main method of increasing population: constructing buildings/wonders. Population will be lost due to natural disasters, crises, inability to resist invasions, etc.

Six national attributes: science, politics, military, religion, commerce and art. These attributes are visual indices of your country's overarching strength. They will determine whether your country will continue to develop or stagnate - due to a large number of subsequent national events... These attributes need to be the premise. The methods to improve these six attributes are ① technology development ② epic character attribute bonuses.

Legion Charter: The Legion Charter is very important and is your country's main combat power when facing the enemy. Every 10 years, other forces will invade your country. You need to use legion cards to defeat the invaders, otherwise your territory and population will disappear.

Tactical cards: They can be freely placed on the legion cards (remove them after the legion card dies) to increase the combat power of the legion card. Tactical card combination and lineup construction are complicated. You can learn them gradually during battle, or copy them from the great players.

Epic Characters: Epic Characters provide bonuses to national attributes and combat attributes of legion cards. Since the combat attribute bonus is a group bonus, the effect is very powerful. However, epic characters cannot live forever. They will die after a hundred years, and the effect bonus will also cease to exist. Of course, there are also some long-lived or immortal mythical epic characters.

Empire Card Pack Introduction:

Qin Empire:

When the six kingdoms were at odds and the world was in crisis, the Qin Empire single-handedly unified the world and set a precedent for the Chinese imperial system. Ying Zheng, this mythical ruler, used an iron-fisted policy to add the Six Kingdoms to his territory. With interconnected roads, unified currency, and consistent writing, he not only built the Great Wall to resist the nomads of the north, but also demonstrated unparalleled wisdom in governing the country. However, the burning of books and the entrapment of Confucian scholars, which caught the world's attention, embroiled his government in controversy. Although the glory of the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, the imperial model it forged laid a solid foundation for the millennia-long development of Chinese civilization. In the Qin era, wisdom and power were intertwined, and great achievements and controversies coexisted.

Special cards of the Qin Empire: [Qin Shi Huang] [Ten Thousand Siege Chariots] [Sacrifice to Heaven] [Weights and Measures] [Great Wall] [Military Merit]

Roman Empire:

Rome, the Eternal City, was once the heart of an ancient empire that ruled from cold Britain to the hot Nile. During its golden age, great leaders such as Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Constantine promoted the expansion of the empire's borders and cultural prosperity. The omnipresent influence of Roman law, architecture, and military strategy is still deeply rooted in Western culture today. However, its impregnable Roman legions and imposing colonnades failed to stop the empire's internal corruption and external threats, leading to the empire's gradual decline. But the fire of Rome will never be extinguished.

Special cards of the Roman Empire: [Caesar] [Roman Praetorian Guard] [Positional Defense] [Colosseum] [Crusades]

Ancient Egyptian Civilization:

Along the Nile River, the ancient Egyptian civilization was born in golden light like the sun god Ra. Under the pharaohs, huge pyramids, majestic temples and tombs of the fallen gradually arose, telling the worship of death and immortality. The civilization and religion, technology and magic of ancient Egypt are closely linked. Hieroglyphs also became the eternal testimony of their tradition and wisdom. Although several invasions and disasters have shaken its solid foundations, this mysterious land has always tenaciously maintained the light of its civilization.

Characteristic letters of the ancient Egyptian civilization: [Rasses III] [Army of Hades] [Flame of Ra] [Pyramid of Khufu] [Embalming of corpses]

Arthurian Dynasty:

In mist-shrouded Britain, the legend of King Arthur was passed down along with the Knights, the Round Table, and the legendary sword. In the shadow of war, King Arthur turned the tide and unified the divided lands. And his knights, out of honor and justice, wield swords and wear armor, interpreting the spirit of chivalry from medieval times. But this dynasty is like its legend: although heroic, it is destined to have a tragic end. However, the story of King Arthur still serves as an eternal beacon, illuminating England's long history.

Arthur Dynasty special cards: [King Arthur] [Knights of the Round Table] [Vision of the Holy Grail] [Camelot Castle] [Round Table Conference]

Spanish Empire:

In the exploration and conquest of the New World, the Spanish sail became the symbol of a continent. Under the patronage of the royal family, explorers like Columbus and Pizarro brought an unknown land into their territory. Gold and silver mines made the empire prosperous and Spanish missionaries spread their faith. But it was also a time full of conflicts and discord. The struggles of indigenous peoples and the horrors of the Inquisition were deeply engraved in this prosperity.

Special cards from the Spanish Empire: [Philip II] [Armada] [Black Powder] [Leon Cathedral] [Colonial]

Spartan city-state:

Sparta, located in the Peloponnese, was a dazzling star in ancient Greek civilization. People here attach great importance to military affairs and honor. From childhood to adulthood, every Spartan is trained to become a warrior in war. The "battle across the river" at Thermals and the bravery of 300 Spartan warriors at Thermopylae became masterpieces passed down from generation to generation. However, despite their prowess, the Spartans were not invincible. But in the long history, Sparta's honor and tenacity will never die.

Special cards from the city-state of Sparta: [Leonidas I] [Spartan Warriors] [Bloody Battle at Hot Springs] [Power of Hercules]

Wei Empire:

The Wei Empire in the northern grasslands is a glorious chapter of iron and fire in the history of the Three Kingdoms. The people here are resourceful and shrewd and have a unique insight into maneuvering and governance. Cao Cao, the hero of difficult times, can be said to be the strongest military commander in the Three Kingdoms, especially better than Wolong, Fengchu and other advisors of the Three Kingdoms. Every piece of land between rivers and mountains suffered from the iron hooves of the Wei army, and battles like Hefei and Guandu became historical classics. However, the long river of history is always full of ups and downs. Although the Wei Empire had its glory days, it eventually fell due to its ambition to destroy the Phoenix. But no matter what happens, the Wei Empire's determination and strategy will always shine through the long history.

Wei Empire special cards: [Cao Cao] [Tiger and Leopard Rider] [Eight-Door Golden Lock] [Dragon Bone Water Wheel] [Bronze Bird Terrace] [Tuntian Order]

Mayan civilization

A glorious kingdom hidden in the jungle, the shining pearl of this mysterious Central American land. The Mayans were not only astronomers but also notable architects and mathematicians. Its precise calendar system, enormous stone pyramids, and complex script are testaments to its civilization. In the mysterious forest, Mayan cities are dotted like stars, living in harmony with nature. Their beliefs combined with astronomical observations shaped a civilization with a deep understanding of the movements of celestial bodies. Furthermore, the Mayans were also proficient in agriculture, and the terraced farming method they pioneered was a wise measure against the harsh forest environment. However, despite the glory of its civilization, the Mayan kingdom also suffered its disappearance. But the relics and knowledge they left behind still shine mysteriously and brightly in the depths of history.

Characteristic cards of the Mayan civilization: [God King Bakar] [Maya Priest] [Jaguar Warrior] [Kukulkan Pyramid] [Shamanism]

ancient greek federation

An ancient empire located between the blue sea and the blue sky, a cultural beacon in this ancient land of Europe. The ancient Greeks were not only great philosophers and warriors, but also founders of art and science. Its magnificent temples, philosophical reflections and majestic theaters are the pillars of Western civilization. On the peninsula surrounded by mountains, Greek city-states are spread out like pearls, each with its own unique charm. His belief in democracy and thinking brought a new way of thinking and governing to the world. Not only that, the Greeks also showed unparalleled courage and strategy in war. Their conflict with the Persian Empire was a symbol of freedom and independence. Although the ancient Greek civilization experienced its rise and fall, the legacy that RummyCraz.comaram left is still a brilliant guide to civilization and philosophy.

Characteristic letters of the ancient Greek federation: [Athens] [Plato] [Trojan Horse Strategy] [History] [Pathenon]

Persian Empire

A powerful empire located on the vast plains of the Middle East, the political lord of this ancient land in Western Asia. The ancient Persians were not only great conquerors and rulers, but also spreaders of civilization and religion. Its magnificent palaces, legal systems and vast empires are still jewels of world culture. In the deserts and mountains, countless dynasties and outstanding figures from past dynasties are like shining stars, leaving their brilliant achievements in history. Not only that, the Persians also showed unparalleled strength and wisdom in warfare. Although the ancient Persian civilization itself has been submerged in history, the cultural heritage they left behind is still a global treasure.

Featured Cards from the Persian Empire: [Darius I] [Army of Eternal Life] [Persian War Elephant] [Babylon] [Gate of All Nations]


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